Saturday 21 January 2012

SYL Week 2 - Values

After a busy couple of weeks, I am taking some "me" time to catch up on some SYL challenges!

I will start this blog off my reflecting on what makes me happy. I LOVE being a mum and a wife. I am at my happiest when I am with my little family and working towards a common goal. I am very goal focused, and constantly am striving to better myself and to reach my full potential. This can sometimes be the negative side of me though, as I often let my determination to be "perfect" get in the way of just allowing myself to enjoy life!

I love cooking, gardening, crafting, creating, and being happy. I LOVE to be organised, and that is one part of me that really needs improvement. I am working on this and i know by the end of the year I am going to have my life in order and fully organised!

The top 5 values that define me are: Health, acceptance, connection, control, self development.

Health: I will admit that I have not always been the healthiest. I am by no means over weight, I am just unfit, sluggish, and have failed to look after myself overall. I suffered from Chronic Fatigue Syndrom for about 5 years, and since then my body has never fully recovered. This year I AM making positive changes to my lifestyle. I am so lucky that I have a very supportive husband who is coming on this journey with me. We are making lots of changes and we are feeling so much better for it! I have also recently been diagnosed as being "pre diabetic" due to suffering gestational diabetes in both pregnancies. I am feeling healthy, but know I can feel better! I know by being and feeling healthy will have many follow on effects. I will feel better about myself, I will be more energetic for my children, I will provide better meals for my family... and I will say this shyly... I may even LOVE myself! Something that I dont think I have felt in a very long time!

Acceptance: I am contstantly striving to feel accepted. I often question myself, which leads to me feeling unaccepted. This is all going to CHANGE this year!   I am going to feel accepted into society, I am going to face my fears and ensure that I talk to strangers when out in public. I am going to prove to myelf that I have no reason to doubt my acceptance into this world, I am me and I am going to be proud of it!

Connection: This is a big one! I love to feel a connection with everyone! I am sure if we all dig deep enough, we will find that we all have a connection of some sort. The world is an amazing place, and everyone has experienced amazing things in their life. I love learning about other people and digging to fnd a similar experience or "connection" with them. Although I struggle to source this connection with many people, this is the year that I am going to step up and become that person that is comfortble talking to anyone and discover more connections.

Control: This is a part of me that I need to learn to manage a lot better. I am naturally a control freak! If I dont have control, all sorts of things happen! I feel unaccepted, untrusted, a failure, "useless", unworthy... I guess out of control sums it up pretty well! I know by increasing my self confidence and self esteem, then the need to feel in control all the time will slowly dissapear.

Self Development: This one is very important to me. I am always looking for ways to improve myself and increase my abilities and knowledge. I am an over achiever, and I always expect too much of myself. Feeling accepted, a connection and in control of my life will assist me in managing my inner desire to be better!

I have only touched slightly on these values. I could blabber on for ages about what each one means to me and how I am going to make positive changes.



  1. Hi Ebony, I really enjoyed reading your blog. In particular I understand what you wrote about acceptance and connection. Being accepted is also very important to me. I admire you bravery in going out there to connection with people. Smile and the world smiles with you.
    shine on in 2012. :)

  2. I am glad that I chose to follow your SYL Challenge!! I loved your post and it was like i was reading a post about me!!!! Everything you wrote is so similar to my life and i love your positive thinking!!! Good luck for 2012 :)

  3. I love the self development value - we are always evolving, definitely not the people we were a decade ago (or a few years ago for those that are younger). Enjoyed reading you blog :)
